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  • Writer's pictureBonny

Vlogging...really! B.HIVE GOING LIVE!

Yes freaking really, I was born for this!

Honestly, I have done a lot in the public eyes and have built it up and broke it down a few times and failed on my own account. OOOh Bonny's going video...really..again?!?!!

Um...yes, bitches, I am!

What is so different this time then? Also, it goes without saying there are a half million sites like mine so why is this the big woopty woop woop...????

Is it arrogance, stupidity or is there an actual purpose here.

There are so many vlogs, blogs, online personalities you would think the world could live without one more. But I have to also disagree. Most of the things I see online are on a single track where is my ass is ADHD like a mofo and am tired of having to deal with the demands of keeping them all on track. Each personality in me has a page or soap box to stand on and apparently they speak plainly and at will. One loves to beat the hell out of wood, one loves a glam Christmas and the other is worried about feeding her family through the winter. They are the varied hats I must wear and each have there own hanger. I do not struggle much in my life because everyone in me is happy when this blog is flourishing. Yes, I did this to have my own major BF, I get that and can accept it cuz its true. But at the end of the day I need it man, like it gives me a reason to keep typing and keep trying and keep sharing and bla bla fucking gives me reason! There is a key to that, and that is breaking yourself down to the understanding of who runs what with in you. I have a very witchy side as well so yes, there are many components to who I am but they all make up one hell one of a chick!

Did I loose you?

Every channel or vlogger I see goes after like 1 goal, mine are all over the board. Out of say, and I underestimate, lets say I am on this planet for a total of 10,0000 days, right? I am 46 so I lived like 7k atleast of that, When asked, what I would do with the rest of the time I had to make a difference..I was unable to choose.

What sets my blog, vlog..videos and ideas apart is the amount of battles I have had to win to get here to do this, my inner demons this is what makes me tick. I battle myself more often then the world. So I combined my weakness, my sadness and my depression along with healing, strength and hope and the many ways that could be taken, a bit of magic and a ton of fun..all on one channel. It takes more than a new haircut or tattoo to get through some shit people..and this and these upcoming videos and ideas are how I got there. its not glamourous nor needs to be, it is real struggles..real hope and a ton of some real ass healing! I am a real girl who kind of says it straight up, I can be funny or witty but its not my goal. My goal really is to share in my happiness, gods know it took forever to find even an ounce. I want to share so much with those like me and give the message of hope and purpose. Without it we are lost.

I am doing this for me, regardless of it's outcome. Either it is or it aint but for is...what it is!

(A little naughty, super blunt and a lil sexy..just saying...but NOT the point!)

There is the B. Blog

This is where some real talk happens. Like we are gonna get down and stir up your Kool-aid cuz I can tell from the majority of your Facebook pages, I am not alone in my battles here. We are all warriors on the douche bags on I know my experience and recoveries of these things are valid. I share your pain, I just choose to speak on it. I also combined the idea that maybe there are stronger forces at work and not all free will is entitled nor governed.


Mixing up the witchy talents to come up with some crafty DIY's that cost very little to nothing at all. Our goal is to use as much recycled or upgraded material to make some really cool shit@

In the Pantry

Dude, I have a family to feed and we live in the middle of nowhere so things can be a little more spendy on the East side. In order to provide healthy, non processed foods, I needed to learn a thing or two in order to get us through Winter. Learn to Stock your pantry like some reality TV dude with a credit card..but without all of the chemicals and preservatives. Keep the pantry packed and your wallet in your pants.

The Magic Garden

Grow your own healthy, delicious food without chemicals or processing. When you plant a garden you are actually planting the seeds to self knowledge and understanding. You grow right along side the food you eat, it is amazing what can bloom there.

Fir Baby Haven

This is a dog sanctuary. From homemade nutritious dog treats to building a dog bed in your pallet couch, pampered pooch haven, right this way!

Pallet Creations

Dude, it's insane what you can build or make from pallets. Let me show you a lil something something! Beautiful furniture that cost you pocket change. Lets beat the hell out of somethin!

Coming Soon:

The Magic Within

A sacred space for learning and growth.

All of these categories and we are not adverse to more, are all within the realm of creation. You may enter one door but learn beyond just it's point. This is an inner journey to find yourself, empower your life and understand your purpose. There is no religion here, there is only the source from which the stories of religion are based. This is nor masculine nor feminine but Earth Bound being talk. For those who came from the light...this blog is for you.

Historically speaking

A completely different view of History from what it was told. There is far more to the History of man then you may know or understand. This is where we find answers!

Witchy Ways

Not really gunna spill the beans on this one too much but the goal here is enlightened those who need a child of the night to guide.


Straight up, the best venting medium online and it all starts with your MOM!!

Wild Child Cycles

A once manifested dream of Wild Child Magazine Relived and actual done right.

Well there you have it, my channel will not be normal as per status quo. I think I am not worried about if we become #1 out there, all I care about is that the 1 that needed her read this did and maybe it made a difference.

So come January 2020, I guess get use to seeing my face. I am compelled to heal, so I am compelled to find an answer to the suffering and pain. I am finding a path to peace if its the last thing I do and I damn sure know I am not alone in this. Someone needs me out there, I do not know them and may never but they do and I feel's for us, for our survival.

Together this hive will buzz!

So there it is, what I see and why I think its worth doing. Comment below and tell me if Im on the right path or out of my mind. Not that it will actually effect the happening of this event, its going to happen. I am just more for those who may want to inspire me to do something cool. Either way, look out for me on the intercrack cuz its a happening.

I hope you join me in adding to the inspiration, idea tank and membership of this site. It's free. I just want like minded people with good life lesson, tips, tricks, DIY's, information, recipes and stories to have a platform to speak and support one another. Most of the people I work with are considered light workers because we find ourselves within either the pagen or some other form of ritual sister or brotherhood. These factors do not always reject folks who have other beliefs its just we manifest our own lights and healing with many gods rather than begging to one. For us this works, for others it might be good to just expand your horizons and understand yours is not the only belief in the world.

At the end of the day

So at the end of the day, I think my channel has some valor. Like, it has a place online. I want folks to know they can manifest energy for healing, future plans, ideas and love. They can create things they see online without spending a ton of money. They too suffer and find sanctuary here, where everyone is valid. Everyone has a say, everyone a voice. Everyone can find something they can agree with, learn from our add too and for me I think it's honestly an open book. Everyone who comes here has a chance to tell their story or teach another something or just spread their inspiration to someone who may need it. We can do so things for some many folks while exploring our own path. You can find yourself when you give yourself a chance too or are so bored you have nothing else to do. I think anyone who is lost can find the lantern that leads them to a road. Be open and honest with yourself and you can find santuary here.

All I ask is that others contribute. This is not a lone act but I am hoping eventually others join me in learning, exploring, teaching and growing. It may not be another idea of fun but for me it goes beyond entertainment, this is my survival and this is how I fight.

So again, Yes...we are indeed going live!

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