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How to begin your Magic Garden- Part 1

Updated: Aug 31, 2019

Starting a garden is far more simple than you may imagine. But there is so much to learn that knowing where to start can be a bit overwhelming. Let me make your life a bit easier and give you a few of my best resources for information.

Your first step is to really visualize the type of garden you want. Big or small, think of the perfect tranquil and sacred space. Take a deep heart breath and manifest what you see...

Part 1- Create the Plan - Finding your sacred space

Gardening takes planning, even if its just a back patio container garden.

The first thing to decide is where in your yard or patio you want to place your garden. This space should give you the feeling of positive energy, a balance of sun and shade and chosen using your inner senses. It will be more than just a place to grow food, you will see that eventually this will be your place of magic!

It is far more, once you begin, than a place in your yard to grow food. Your garden will be the center of life. My garden is the most peaceful place in the world. It provides a place to relax with my sweetheart and a place to be in ceremony. It is my magic place, one I created with my own two hands. It is my thinking spot, my protective zone and allows me to conduct magic without worry of contamination from the rest of the world. It is my alter or ritual circle unlike any other place on earth. It has changed my life on a daily and can feel it's blessings as well as see them in growth daily. I encourage you to create this environment for will never be the same and you will love what that looks like!

You will need a plan and starting with a notebook or garden journal is essential at this point. The fine details can be laid out in front of you so that you can look at the entire big picture. I have discussed this in the introduction to the Magic Garden but for those just tuning in, a plan is the only way to go. Please see our previous blog at

Step 2 The sun, the shade and where to place your sacred space

Mapping the suns location in this area is key, you will want an area that has at least 6 hours of good sun light a day. You can create a map in your journal to help you track the suns patterns. Shade is important too, this will depend on your growing zone, what you are growing and what seeds you plan to sow. Lets start with the sun mapping...shall we.

For me it was easiest to actually use my cell phone and take a picture of the area I was starting with, I recorded the time of day and marked it on a drawn map of my gardening area I had begun in my journal. Mark the shady areas or any tree roots or slopes.

Note: I have raised beds but should you be considering to direct sow your seeds or plant your veggies directly in the ground, you will want to be sure that you have no underground wires or electrical wires in that area. Our garden is located in the State of Oregon and we can find dig information by visiting For those in other states you may find your local Dig Safely by googling "call before you dig". This can also be done with just watching the sun and taking notes but keep in mind the sun does move positions in the sky and may not always be where you'd expect it.

In early Spring I had a full day to do some tracking. I started by going out every few hours and marking where the sun was hitting the garden area and where the shadows lied. It took a few days to get the entire range of the sun. I did this as well in Mid-summer, just mapping the sun and where it hit the garden. At the end of all of this and based on my observations and notes..I chose the right area for my raised beds. A garden requires 3-6 hours of direct sun light a day. You can usually find the growing information on the starter labels or if you grow with your own seeds, on the back of the package.

All plants require sunlight to grow, but differ in the amount and intensity of light needed to prosper. Plant labels identify the amount of sun a plant requires as full sun, part sun, part shade or full shade as defined:

Full sun – Plants need at least 6 hours of direct sun daily

Part sun – Plants thrive with between 3 and 6 hours of direct sun per day

Part shade – Plants require between 3 and 6 hours of sun per day, but need protection from intense mid-day sun

Full shade – Plants require less than 3 hours of direct sun per day

Does where you live on the planet matter when it comes to gardening?

Yes, it actually matters a great deal. I learned this lesson the hard way. I did not know that the USDA had a map that could determine what growing zone you are in. In Oregon my grow zone is 7A. Moving forward this is going to be my basis for learning and teaching. But I have done enough research now that should you have any questions, please feel free to post them below. I am always happy to help!

The 2012 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location. The map is produced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and is available on their website. The map is based on the average annual minimum winter temperature, divided into 10-degree Fahrenheit zones. Stole this fair and square from their official site to make it easier for you to find. I am sure they don't mind.

On this site you can plug in your zip code and all of the information regarding your growing region will manifest before you. Here, you will see when your first and last frost days will be, what plants and vegetables are best grown in that area and a ton of tips on how to get the most of your harvest. We are going to get into that in Part 2 of this series.

One of my favorite places for information on my region is the Farmers Almanac at Although they also have the same map and zone information, they will also help you narrow down real time frost dates and you can score yourself a free download while your there.

Speaking of free downloads, have you been to the Hive Hub yet? The Hive Hub is where you can download free maps, information..grow guides and so much more. Coming soon we will be offering seeds, treatments and other amazing items. We will be updating this page over the next few months so keep your eye out for some serious savings and information. If you haven't been...your missing the buzz!

With these resources at your disposal you'll find exactly the right area of your garden to work with. I have chosen the side of my home as it was the best placement with the sun exposure. There is a way to actually measure the shade as well and I have placed an example of how that is done below.. This tells you the length of a shadow, but it may be impractical in a space with lots of trees.

The graph above will help you determine how much shade one area may have should you have trees, bushes or any tall entity that may be present in your chosen space. Remember this is sacred space so you want to be sure you have a cool spot to relax in on hot days but not so much your plants suffer.

Of course, you could just let the internet do the math for you. Several online tools map the sun's path by date and location, including SunCalc and Sollumis, both of which use Google Maps. The University of Oregon's Solar Radiation Monitoring Lab also has a sun-tracking tool, displaying the data in a chart rather than an overhead map. Another option, FindMyShadow, not only calculates the sun's position and height for any place and time, but also has a scene-drawing tool where you can draw, move, resize and rotate objects to see how they cast shade during the day.

And for a slightly fancier take on this concept, you could also model your property's solar profile in SketchUp. There are several options for doing this, but Australian permaculture consultant and Milkwood school director Nick Ritar recommendsDeltaCodes' Shadow Analysis plug-in.

Info stolen from the awesome site of

I am creating a garden journal for this site and will be including an actual graph that you will be able to track these things for yourself. I will be creating this over the next few months as I want to share the journal I've created and all of the research I have done to get me there with you. But in the meantime, as much work as this sounds like it's really not. Knowing your perfect location and having this information in your pocket will be invaluable over the next few months. As the weather changes, so will your plans but having this as your foundation will get you there a lot faster.

You learn something totally new everyday when you explore a new area of your garden. You will grow amazing vegetables and'll loose a ton along the way but none of that matters. The only thing that matters is your desire to try. Be at peace, find your inner self, create beauty and produce healthy food for your family. It all starts with you.

In Part 2 we will begin to talk about seeds, dirt and Mulligans! Now that you have chosen your sacred space and have made some doodles as to what that should look like, it is time to begin to manifest that dream. Now is a really good time to do some guided meditations which you can find on Youtube fairly easily. These videos will help you center you Chi and focus your energy on your plan. The more positive energy you bring to this, the more prosperous your garden and the magic it produces will be.

I am blessed that you have decided to walk this journey with me, it means the world to me to share in this time of my life. I hope that you will take a few moments and leave a comment, share your space with us. We would love to hear your stories, your experiences and see the magic you have created. For me, this journey was about finding myself in my own creations and it has lead me to the happiest I have ever been. I find my depression is diminished with something more Love for myself, love for the work I have put in to this and my love for others. I share that love with you here by opening my world to the internet and placing my experience,strengths and hopes, along with some of my not so awesome moments with all of you.

If I can do this, anyone can. I believe that with all of my heart. I am here to help with anything you may have questions about or just to encourage you. I promise that if you just put yourself out there, the Universe will accept your offering and bless you as I have been. Don't hesitate to reach out, to me..the Universe or as a member of the Hive. You will always be welcome with open and loving arms.

Until Next Time...Find yourself in your own creations. You are WORTH IT!!

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