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  • Writer's pictureBonny

Homemade bread in under 2 hours and 15 minutes!

Growing up my Mom and my Aunt Cheri made the most amazing bread I've ever tasted, well fast forward a decade, or two if you wanna be a dick, and the impact of the warm, yummy goodness had on me has apparently stuck with me over the years. The only problem was how long it took! Good lord those chicks were at it for hours and in my memory there was never enough bread..they couldn't make enough as far as I was concerned but it took them HOURS man..far too long for this day and age but this kind of bread, with no chemicals..pure, natural takes time and energy right?

Well, with a bit of research..I found out my old school ways of thinking were indeed outdated. I learned a thing or two about a thing or two and I am now a champ at making home made bread, and I can do it along side my normal routine and not take up my entire day. I believe after reading this and trying it for yourself, you will see what I mean! I deserved my crown on this one.

We have come along way in learning new tips and tricks to speed up the processes of making things but at the end of the day, it always comes at a price. Like, you have to sacrifice something and nutrition is usually the first thing that is never thought of. Taste and quality as well, it's just not the same as you remember if you don't do it just so.

Somethings take time to develop properly but in my experimenting over this past month, not only did I get to challenge myself once again but take on something that has intimidated me for years...Home made bread! And it's so much easier than anything mom did and the taste...she would of been proud!

What you will need:

6 cups of all purpose flour

2/3 cups sugar

1/4 cup oil

1 1/2 tablespoons yeast or a single package of yeast

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

2 bread loaf pans

2 mixing bowls

I have used two types of loaf pans. One is glass like Pyrex and the other is more earthenware loaf pan. Both are fine but if you can get earthen it..I feel like it more evenly bakes the dough and it also allows it to expand a bit wider than a glass loaf pan but both have served me well. Dollar tree loaf pans will work but aren't ideal if you want them cooked evenly.

combined the sugar, yeast and warm water together a leave sitting in a warm place for around 5 minutes. When we say warm it should be mid temperature warm, 68- 81* at best. use the mid temperature of your kitchen faucet but no more than its hottest or you will cook the yeast alive.

What you are looking for after 5 minutes is it begins to kind of look like cooking oatmeal with bubbles, once you see this, it's ready to go.

In a second bowl pour in 6 leveled cups of all purpose flour, with your hand make a divot in the flour and add the salt and oil. Once the yeast has completed its growth stage, slowly incorporate the mixture a bit at a time, mixing at all times or using your hand until all of the ingredients are combined. It will feel a bit sticky, thats how you know the awesomeness has set in.

Roll the dough in a bit of flour, knead it a bit but just enough that you create a big ball. return it to a lightly oiled mixing bowl, cover it with a damn towel and set it someplace warm for 1 hour. This will allow it rise, grow to about 1/2 larger than its original size.

I set a timer, kill a bunch of folks on black ops and ready to roll. Oh, yeah, well just keep the pun...

When the timer goes off, uncover the dow and then punch it. Yes, I said punch it. The idea is to get as much of the air out as possible.

Sprinkle your cutting board with a bit of flour, knead the dow for a few minutes making sure most of the air has been pushed out. Cut the big pile of dow in half. Lightly oil the bottom of your pans. Mold and form your dow to the size of your bead pan like so....

Cover the pans with a damp towel for 20 minutes or so, allowing the dow to rise once more. After 20 minutes, put it in a 350* oven for 1/2 hour.

You will know that it is done when the crust is hard and flaky. Serve warm or let cool off for good sandwiches Just sitting on the counter, this will last almost an entire week. Freezes well and can also be made ahead of time.

If you try this recipe, comment below and let us know how your homemade bread turned out! We look forward to hearing from you!

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