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  • Writer's pictureBonny

Pallet Sectional - Finished Product

Dear lord, after all that I forgot to post the finished pictures...well here ya go folks. I finished this project ages ago and showed you guys how I did it but then went off and never showed you the finished product.

Pallet Mock Up

This project took a bit longer than it should of because I did it over the winter in my garage. (AKA The B. Hive) It was the first time I had ever attempted anything like it before and wasn't sure if it would even turn out. Boy Howdy did I ever underestimate my abilities. It seems like so many things have changed since this day, the biggest being my belief in my self.

I set out to make something amazing out of nothing, create a place for my family and friends to relax and laugh. I wanted my dogs to be comfy in the sun and too for my patio to serve as a functional space. I believe I have accomplished all I set out too. There is really nothing that you can't accomplish if you just give yourself the opportunity too.

A few key notes about this pallet project. The cushion for the longest part I did as one full piece, the smaller stacks that you see with the Eye of RA I did as a single unit. What was brilliant about that is that it allowed me to move the furniture around and make a brand new layout, which I have done twice this year. Since the stacks are secured to each other in threes, I can move the entire thing around, allowing the dog bed to be placed anywhere within the design and it works. It also made it a way easier way to store this in the Hive over next winter.

I learned so much about myself and about working with wood and tools that it blows me away. My biggest lesson of course was GLOVES

I hope you've enjoyed this first ever project of the B. Hive and hope you stick around to learn more. Better yet, why not become a member of the Hive and share your stories and projects with everyone? It's free and for me, an outlet I never thought I would need in my life. The more I do this, the more I can see bigger things coming, the more I am ready to take on that next impossible project and the most pride I have ever felt in my life.

Thank you everyone who helped support, ship pallets, carry and encourage me to continue this. I hope to bring you many more DIY's but more so, I hope this passion that has ignited in me continues to burn as it has been fulfilling and rewarding from the start. This blog and the journey within really do represent that you can find yourself in your own creations.

DIY at The B. Hive Proudly Presents...our first steps. The Pallet Sectional. Finished works. Click the side arrows to check out this awesome project.

Until next time...keep the buzz going!

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