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Home Made Fur Baby Treats

Updated: Mar 14, 2019

This DIY will make any dog go crazy. Pumpkin, peanut butter oatmeal dog treats. An all natural money-saving option for the best friends in your life!

Full Name: Baby Face Babs Malone
Bab's My Baby Girl

My dogs are my life. Sam has been with me since 2010 and Bab's came to me in February of 2018. Both of my fur babies are emotional support animals. They keep me going when I can't find the motivation to do life. Sam has saved my life at least 3 times in the past and continues to keep me emotionally secure. I buy them dogs treats often but hate what is in them or not knowing if they will cause more damage than good. Sam has fatty deposits on his eyes from a early greasy diet so these days I am more aware of what I put in his body.

So one afternoon of hunting around on Pinterest and came across this pin by Cook Eat Go.

The ingredients are so simple and all things I had in my cupboard. The kids as I call them love peanut butter, pumpkin and the more I thought of it, the oatmeal is a great filler and good for the skin, so I changed up the original recipe and created this one. Try it, mix it up...they give us so many reasons to be grateful, unconditional love and support- love daily, give treats often. They are our best friends, this is how I show mine I care.

Full Name: Samson Luchino Soprano
Samson My Boy

Bab-a-dooble and Sin-Sin treats. Being that it is February in Pendleton Oregon, cookie cutters are serious slim pickings so, we went with what I had...we call them people nuggets!

Peanut Butter, Pumpkin Oatmeal Treats.

What you'll need:

2 cups of flour

1 egg

3/4cup of pumpkin

1/3 cup of peanut butter

Sprinkle of oatmeal

1 tsp. Coconut oil

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees .

In a bowl mix together your egg, peanut butter, and pumpkin and coconut oil. Now you could do everything at once but I wanted her to see what the flour did to thicken up the mixture. Once your wet ingredients are mixed slowly mix in the flour. Sprinkle in oatmeal, I use a handful. There is really no measurements, it will be mainly based on your desired texture. We put in a cup then added in 1/4 cup each time, we ended at about 2 1/8 cup of flour so just watch the thickness of your dough you want this like a sugar cookie dough.

Flour your counter and roll your dough into a bowl. Roll your dough out flat on to your floured counter

Cut out your cookies to the thickness you like. Lay out on a cookie sheet and bake for about 20 to 30 minutes until they are done

Allow to cool off and watch the love happen!

The first batch of these I made I didn't use the coconut oil. I added it because not only did I like the medicinal purposes but I believe it may help Sam a bit with his arthritis. I will post an update later on and let you know how that goes. In the few weeks since I began making them I have noticed he has a bit more giddy up in his steps and has even been playing a little, so if nothing else, they make him happy which makes me gratefully happy as well.

The results- Are they any good?

Don't take my word for it, let the Fur Babies speak for themselves!

Sam and Bab's

It is clear that my dogs love treats but ever since I started making them, my dogs have ganged up on me to figure out ways to get them. They are soft and easy to chew, which makes it easier for my older pup and Bab's, well....see for yourself.

I will never go back to store bought dog treats again! Try them yes, I did. It's all real food so if your curious...go on an take a bite. They aren't bad.

Indi can....NOT....WAIT!!!

Sorry the video is sideways, Youtube wouldn't let us flip it but you'll get the picture.

So, we get a little excited when it comes to new treats. But our drewely friend over here totally approved of these treats and I believe is ordering more based upon her face. This video made my day! Thank you Dawn Hendricks for sharing your video!

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