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Pallet Sectional Part 4 - Puppy Power!

Updated: Feb 26, 2019

Last section, last 3 pieces...sheew! I honestly wasn't sure this day would come it's been a long two months of weekend work and some during lunch breaks but I am finally at the last section take the risk and cut in a dog bed or play it safe and just leave it plain Jane? Nah, what fun is Jane anyways! Lets build a dog bed!

I began this step of the project with the biggest question of them all lingering over my head. Should I make Babs and Sam a place of their own? My dogs are such a big part of my life that I want them to have a place to be comfortable and a place to get out of the hot summer heat, so I decided what the hell and I went for it.

I have never done anything remotely like this in the past. I don't think anyone would believe I could or that I would manage to figure out power tools. I am not even sure that I had the confidence but again learning new things and taking risks this year is my #1 goal. I want a beautiful place to host guests and let the summer breeze sweep my hair, some how finding inner happiness along the way. This part of the project was a bit personal for me, I was suffering a heart break of epic proportions and didn't think I had the physical strength to believe I could or would want to finish this project. Despite the mental and emotional issues...I took a risk and did something I am now very proud of.

I had already stained the top pallet when I looked over and saw the rest on the garage floor. Damnit, Fine...Let's cut this bitch!

I made the first few cuts and realized the pieces of board I had taken out were the perfect size to lay across the bottom to make a floor or foundation for the dog bed. Once I glued those in place and hammered a few nails, the boards began to speak again, telling me that the colors were perfect as is and that I should leave them the way they are and allow their true colors to shine.

Once I made the first few cuts, starting with the bottom pallet. I took out the first board that went across as I was not sure how much room I may need. Once I did that it was time to bring Sam and Babs in to see if they would actually fit. Sam is a chubby boy and knew his fat butt might need more room! I was correct in that thinking. I got him in there but almost could not get him out so decided to cut the middle pallet cross beam as well. Then I tried putting the dogs back in and once again determined more room was needed. So I took out the very bottom of the top pallet cross beam. This was a bit of a risk because the pallets aren't truly even to begin with and worried this may cause the stability later on to fail. So I reinforced each side with a thin board just to hold the sides flush with one another. The cool part is, the fit snuggly between the pallet ends, so unless your looking, you can't really tell.

One last time, I stuck Sam and Babs in the hole and this time...they fit!

Notice where I put the spacer boards in on the right side to help secure the boards together? At first glance you notice it but one it gets all put together. Once I sanded the new edges down and secure the floor boards, I went ahead and finished the stain work. the floor boards turned out even better than expected. This is why it is important to listen to your projects, step back and take a breath. Bet you'll see what it was meant to be!

I placed a piece of edging along the front of the dog bed, just to give the cushion or blanket that is placed in there a holder and help make it look just a bit more together. The top 2 pallets do not line up with the bottom pallet stud but I think I may just use that to attach a dog leash eye hole and call it a day. The padding I made for it covered it all up anyways so you really can't tell unless your just a dick and need to point it out.

Now that it was all together, it was time to allow it to dry. While that was taking place I decided to make a doggy pad. Even though it looks amazing stained, Sam is just getting to old to lay down on hard surfaces. He prefers the poof of being pampered. With some fabric I had left over from my original garden patio build, one I left behind along with my heart in Bend Oregon, I made a little pad for it.

As you can see the pad turned out great and really stands out against the dark background of the Kona stain.

As I stepped back and really looked at this a second time, I was really proud of the work I had put in to this. The entire build my thoughts were on how I am going to keep moving forward, how I would find happiness again and what it would take to make this happen. Finishing this portion of the project gave me some time to recharge my batteries and find myself happy for that day. Some times if all you can find is 1 thing to keep you going, it's what you hold on too no matter how small. Placing the pad in its place made me realize that maybe I am or my life isn't so different from this pad. I needed to be made into something beautiful from scraps and that if I just keep my shape, eventually I may too find a place I fit in at. Of all my many strengths, my ability to put and keep myself together is not all to different from this project. I need to learn to believe in myself, believe in what I am doing and know that the risks I take will eventually pay off. And they have. I still feel the pain of all that the month of February of 2019 has brought me but the world I am creating to help heal that emptiness, is truly beautiful. I will get there someday!

In an ironic twist, once I put the padding in and took at look at it again. If I were to just take this one piece (right side picture above) and put some legs on it, it would kind of make for a rad seating area for the garden. Hmmm....

In my next blog, we will be cutting the plywood to make the base for the cushions. CUSHIONS.....oh god, do not even get me started! That subject is going to be a blog all on it's own. Trust me folks the smartest thing I've ever done is research. Research your project ideas and keep notes in your journal. Price things out, shop around for the best deals, and always measure and measure again. Each time a new section is completed, take photo's of your progress. Mock it up as many times as necessary before moving on to the next piece. The more notes you have taken, the more pictures you have, the easier time you will have later on.

Until next time, find yourself in your own creations but believing that there is nothing you can't accomplish if you believe in yourself. You are worth it!

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