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Insecurity VS. DING, DING, DING...The 3rd EYE!



Have you ever had someone in your life, maybe even someone new or currently in a relationship (in my case) that you just get a bad vibe from? A personality that may not match the real person they are or something deep down just keeps throwing up red flags? Maybe deep down you for some reason just can't trust this person and scenarios as to why keep popping up in your head that effect your guts, sleep, emotions and our ability to be secure? Like out of nowhere you just know they are full of shit, leading a double life or just lying in some way but you can't prove it. Something tells you this person has a total other life outside of the one you know or may be cheating or isn't who they say they are, like you just know???!!

And to take this one further, have you had these feeling and expressed them just to be thrust in a 3 hours "conversation" or punk ass lecture as I like to call them.. at the end of are told your insecure and/or crazy and that you need help? My personal favorite is, the person can't believe you would think that of them...and then, as Murphy law's your fault!!??

And to take this a mile further..were you right?


Ding...Ding. Shake hands and come out a fighting! Let have a fair fight!

Empaths understand this like it's their job (to which it is.) Sadly most empaths don't even realize that they are gifted so are just as confused as the majority of others. But for the enlightened empath who understands the feeling, when your support system fails you, you are left questioning your thoughts, feeling, emotions and actions. But do you deserve this kind of torment?

Ask yourself....

What do you believe this feeling is? Are you insecure by nature and not sure which it is? Do you have any belief in your gut instinct? Lastly, when you feel this way does your partner tell you that your crazy and just being insecure? Well then...come here my pretty.....

Let me just begin by saying that if you have an answer to any of those questions then you need to read this blog as much as I needed to write it. You and I have a lot in common. I am an enlightened empath, Cancer Leo and there is no cusp with me. I am a direct descendant of both and anyone who knows me well can attest to this. Once in my life I allowed this dilemma to almost ruin a perfectly good mind, my own. I have insecurities and I also struggle with my own self esteem, in fact I am no spring chicken to boot so..yes I am a victim of my own stupidity and I can freely admit that. With that stated let me also say that I am not stupid, I may have some worries but for the most part I trust first. Its my own downfall but whatever, I own this. I have some serious experience, no let me rephrase this, I am the President and CEO of Dick Magnets of America, I swear the narcissist can smell me. They flock to me like a pig on a spite and love roasting my ass to gain power or control to further themselves. And yet somehow I am the one moving forward, making far more money and living a better world after they leave. How you may ask? I know the difference between my third eye messages and my own insecurities!

An uppercut, the opponent is against the ropes

Let's explore the definition of each of these subjects, shall we?


Wikipedia's definition of the third eye is as follows:

In Dharmic spiritual traditions from India, the third eye refers to the ajna (or brow) chakra.[2] The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In New Age spirituality, the third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras,[3] precognition, and out-of-body experiences. People who are claimed to have the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the third eye is said to be located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows, representing the enlightenment one achieves through meditation.[4][5] Hindus also place a "tilaka" between the eyebrows as a representation of the third eye,[6] which is also seen on expressions of Shiva.[4] Buddhists regard the third eye as the "eye of consciousness," representing the vantage point from which enlightenment beyond one's physical sight is achieved.

If you are new to Chakras and unsure of what they are or mean, don't worry there is so much to learn this is one that takes some time and energy so I have plans to do an entire series on each one of them individually and plan to slowly explain how these small understandings can make a world difference when combating life on life's terms. But for now the definition of the Chakra from WEBSTERS Dictionary...a sad misrepresentation of the actual origins...I give you

chak·​ra | \ ˈchä-krə , ˈshä-, ˈchə- \

Definition of chakra

: any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy

I went ahead and used this definition because it is the most likely understood by all. I do however have to warn you that the Chakras are not based on Yoga Philosophy and it's bullshit that they actually teach this but I will save my frustrations for my blog series coming soon.

Ok, now that we have established that, lets talk.....


in·se·cu·ri·ty /ˌinsəˈkyo͝orədē/

Noun Plural noun: insecurities 1. Uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.

Similar: lack of confidence 2. The state of being open to danger or threat; lack of protection. The quality or state of being insecure; instability:

Although by definition it is clear these are two totally different things, right? Well for the majority of folks text book definitions work. For folks like us however, it does nothing for the emotional struggle of not knowing the difference in the two. Because you are either made to second guess yourself or there is something preventing you from the understanding of their uniqueness. It could be your in the middle of the hell and have to much pressure on you to feel the ability to think rationally or know how each of them plays a totally different but major role in ones life. Best believe there is a difference and knowing what the oppositions can be your best weapon in defending what you know is right. Even if your not so sure.

And she comes in with a left...and a right...

When you are insecure you do have the tendency to be a bit dramatic and untrusting. This is not your fault believe it or not. This in my opinion comes from years of abuse, brainwashing, control and years of experience. You did not wake up one day on your own and decide that you hate yourself or believe yourself ugly or not worthy nor that it would be your fault someone cheated on you. Nope, you were bread into the lifestyle and are blinded by its ruthless and sometimes deadly strain on a weakened self esteem. So, you don't trust as easily, you may be a bit trigger happy and think the worst before you are willing to look at the good. My personal M.O. is my self esteem is totally shot! We all have something so please don't let anyone tell you that you are alone in this, we all have insecurities! Whatever the effects have been for you, you did not inflict this kind of mental anguish on yourself, someone taught you how to hate yourself.

Insecurity for me is my own disconnection from the person I want to be. It is my inability to separate myself from my abusers. A victim role to which I disengage my will and surrender the person I am, allowing that which did not deserve my power to restrict my desire to defend my right to exist. My self esteem is my own doing but my insecurities were hand fed.

This can cause us to act and think in ways we never imagined..blaming, hating and basically tarring at the other person because you think them to be a shit. There are a few crazies out there who run others down with cars but that is how crazy some people can make you feel....not the reality of our subject at hand. I am not talking about that, I am talking about when you know...KNOW...KNOW in your gut that this person is indeed a total shit and nothing you do, say or no matter your behavior will not allow you to let the feeling go, even after you chased a bitch down. Are you being told your wrong or being blamed or at the end of the day that your just insecure or worse, crazy? That is what I am talking about! To the degree you begin to confuse your gut instinct with your feelings or mental stability.

Your gut instinct is not of your making and does not run all over the board with impossible feats of douche baggery, Something inside you is forcing you to listen and will effect you until you do. You have to learn who you are and what makes yourself tick so you can be more in tune with the messages it is so desperately trying to convey. Like, it effects your sleep, eating, smiling...everything in your world. Once you give yourself a real chance things change and enlightened or not you see things, hear things and just know things...Does this make you insecure or a crazy person who makes shit up?

Spoiler alert!!!! It doesn't!

ROUND 2.. Ding! Ding!

We were born with the ability to feel. Some loose the ability along the way and others refuse to believe they even have feelers to begin with. Emotions are how we connect to our source energy as well as to our Earthly lives. It is a special gift that even if you no longer know how to is what differentiates us from the universe and what connect us at the same time. You were born with powers beyond your knowledge and may never understand how to use them all, I hope you do but lets face it not everyone is into self first philosophies. But thank the gods our gut instinct is involuntary and we have no control over its strength within our conscious selves. Ya can't screw that up folks nor does it allow us the free will to self sabotage, it is the fuck what it is! That gut instinct is your third eye protecting you from what is in front of you but you can not see with human eyes. It can see whats being hidden from your sight & there to protect you from super low vibrations that only it can detect. It sends alarms in the form of feelings, flashes of information, stomach aches, gnawing tensions, headaches and sleepless nights. The information can come to us in many forms so it is important to listen for the Que. That is not its actual nor complete function but it is what tells you when something doesn't jive or that you may be in danger and is sending smoke singles when drama needs a translator. Basically its your internal bullshit meter!

How often do we listen to ourselves? How often does your internal mind think..this is a totally bad idea and yet your physical self was all like...Girl, that's my jam!?? We are sometimes so disconnected with who we are a lot of folks can not answer that questions. We have to take an internal inventory of our self, and answer that question honestly. We may choose not to listen or we are told that listening is bad, either way your guts and you need to talk! This requires you to know yourself a bit, give yourself a chance at security. If you take the time to break down your insecurities and know them, figure yourself out, acknowledge them and their existence it makes it a lot harder to exploit later on down the road. You deserve to know yourself, your a pretty rad individual with lots to offer the world and you have no choice but to live with yourself. You can not defend a territory your not willing to be the king of. Taking away another's potential to use the insecurity card against you, the better your odds of survival. Again you are your best weapon man, give yourself all the ammo in the world. Placing yourself first and learning who you are, work on short comings, learn new things. Exploring your capacity for living takes away the poo they can fling at you because your security of self will no longer be a target. Insecurities tend to lead you into all kinds of ideas and sad thoughts where as your intuition, that is a direct connection with no load time or wait time, its precise and always depicts a more real delineation.

Here's where things get interesting, when it was all said and the damage done..were you right all along and had to put yourself back together after being told its all in your head? You were right the entire time and everything you thought was bad about this person or what they were up to or the person they really were comes were fucking right? Bet that made you feel even more like shit and so therefore they were right and bla bla bla Um....No, this is your third eye and you just got bitched slapped by the reality of your situation. You were not insecure, you were being enlightened as to what was happening in the space around you. Subtle right?


You and only you can make the bullshit stop. You can stop being a victim and become a warrior for yourself. You can learn to love the fucked up mess you are and for who you are no matter what you have been through. Listen folks, if you allow what you have been brainwashed to think or feel from the past define the person you are today then you are in fact the one that should take blame. You are putting yourself in harms way by refusing to grow past your past. It is not easy oooohh no man it damn near killed me to pull my head out of my ass, seriously like there is no other hot mess on the planet like a pissed off Bonny drunk who felt sorry for herself and loved the misery! So,I get it.

Your third eye to me is the most interesting of all of the Chakras and doesn't give two shits about your insecurities. It is your inner eye who see's it all. I found this pretty rad explanation and tutorial on this and thought I would share it with you on the off chance I have just opened a new door to enlightenment for you.


It is clear that if you have made it this far you are awakened or are awakening and are seeking help to fix yourself. I am no doctor nor have I been to any kind of legal training, I can not fix you dude, I can only share with you my own story and hope it helps save someone from themselves one day. In the latter, I need to do this blog for me and do the next right thing by passing on my hope for a better life. I have had 46 years of getting my ass kicked by these plagues and lived to tell the tale. I do believe that warrants at very least a fucking blog. I don't need a PHD to know my bones have been broken, my heart shattered and my life turned upside, no I got that as a wedding gift. I don't need any school to teach me the hard knocks cuz I've taken them and there is not one quack I have ever met who can honestly say they have been through as much and didn't need a quack themselves. I am no quack, I am a once fucked up duck who learned to fly with wings I built with my own two hand out of every broken promise, lies and deceitful thing I was tricked into loving...I learned to put myself back together and grew out of my past and today I struggle like a bitch but I at least fucking try. I, at least actively seek help and guidance and break down when I need to. I can do all of this and live because I learned to love myself ENOUGH that I know where my insecurities lye and thanks to my third eye I know when I am being lied too.


You man, you. What you didn't realize you were in the fight? You are the fight in this is for you and because of you this fight even took place. Your internal fight as well as the fight to be happy..You have already begun to hit back just by reading this and having a better understanding on how to bob and weave when dealing with another persons shame or abuse of you. That too depends on if you are done abusing yourself and are ready to start living happily within your own skin. The way to doing this is connecting with your darker side, writing down the things you are most insecure about and doing this in a safe place, truly looking at them. Just acknowledging the fact they exists opens your mind to a download from your 3rd eye sends and lets you see what your opponents strategy is. You'll be able to distinguish the two more readily and have a few brass knuckles in your tool box for when your next bought comes around.

Literally this is the fight for your life, are you just gonna sit there and take some bullshit your heart and guts tell you are real or are you gonna listen to some punk who got caught fuckin around? I will say however that I do not promote the act of violence in anyway and am speaking metaphorically and to be witty so get off my nuts about the theme! The fight for your own life is a very real and very valid point. Why should you fight to be alive? Well that's a stupid question, Facebook would miss you! JK You need to fight to stay alive because if you kill yourself now, you will not even know the person that died..get to know yourself a bit better. if you turn out to be an asshole then by all means...odds are however and all joking aside, because you are loved and needed and wanted on this Earthly plane and so many others would suffer without your presents. Trust me when you find your groove you can take on the world!

Ready for the fight, bet you are now and I encourage you to put up your dukes and fight for you! You may find out your the butterfly that learned to sting like B.

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